Our purpose is to provide you with the calorie information that you are consuming in each of your meals. Apart from this, there is information regarding various food recipes that you can prepare. We collaborate with different chefs in order to display their recipes on our website and then provide you with the nutrition value of each recipe.
There is information regarding individual ingredients being added in each of the recipes. The information has been collected from U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. We are constantly striving to improve our algorithms to give you the best possible information regarding the nutritional value of each recipe.
We also provide a section where you can add the food items available in your kitchen and we will show you what recipes can you prepare using those ingredients. We are regularly making changes in our algorithms to give you the best possible results.
The images for each ingredient has been taken from https://unsplash.com/. We thank them for making their data available to us.
For any further information or concerns regarding the website please drop a mail at [email protected]